Thursday 17 November 2011

Mind Space

This picture illustrates what the inside of my mind feels like these days despite the everyday chaos that we get surrounded by in life. As my eyes gently open each day, I  haven't had the usual struggle that most of us have. Fighting your alarm clock for that precious "five more minutes" which can be detrimental if five more minutes turns into one hour later. Which consequently results in a mad dash as if your were auditioning for Supermarket Sweep, trying to avoid being late by missing your bus or getting stuck in traffic swearing and giving the middle finger to every driver on the road moving too slow or not letting you through at a junction.

My mind being this free makes generating ideas so much easier and my future that much clearer. I've been feeling a shift in energy for the positive a shift that will grant me a key to open the door that rewards me for the pain, blood, sweat, tears and hard work. But to get this key my mind must remain in this space while the madness of life's conundrum continues to relentlessly challenge who I am and where I fit.

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