Photography by Estevan Oriol
Right don't even know where the fuck to begin, theres been so much turbulence in my life over the past few months, so many ups downs and question marks. the ups were joyful the downs were painful and as for the ??? were like trying to solve a Rubiks Cube blind folded (need I say more). I felt un-inspired to write hense why my blog has less action than a back street hooker on a slow day. All of this shit tho is Life's way of bringing the best out of you, we never know how things will turn out but we always find a way of survival. These days i'm settled in my spirit and so clear headed, pain is love and we struggle for a reson. Struggling gives us what it takes to make it to the next level, pushing us as human beings to new limits. I'm fully refreshed and respawned hash tag 'A New Chapter'.
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