Five 5tar Dubai |
Today I was thinking about how Reakwon and Ghostface went to Miami away from the New York chaos in order to focus, relax and draw inspiration for album material. It got me thinking about where I would disappear off to so I could mix my marvelous creations in peace. I started to put together a scrap book of dream places I would like to relax in to comfortably allow my creative juices to flow and do whatever the f*#k they like without any worry of waking up and realizing "Oh Shit!!!" it was all a dream i'm late for the crappy job I got in order to pay bills which I have to be grateful for because it could be worse, in other words yo ass could be BROKE plus any money is better than no money so I better flip this into a better option (rant over got carried away with the example). Anyways I will be posting portions of my scrap book to share with you all.
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