Monday, 5 December 2011

Black Mirrors

I watched Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror last night the first installment of his new mini-series, there are three dramas in total each with its own twisted story this one being the first subtitled 'The National Anthem'. Was a good watch, twisted minds tend to think alike so my mind was entertained some daring stuff considering the plot. Which was a member of The Royal Family (completely fictional of course) is kidnapped by a terrorist and held for ransom, his demands came in the form of a YouTube Video. The only person who could save her life was the PM (prime minister). He didn't have to part with money to fulfill a list of predictable I wants, instead he had to have live televised sex........ With a pig!!!

Brooker's study of modern media was comical and ballsy sending newspapers crazy. The news rolled as it does bringing every update to television sets everywhere, with the public opinion swinging as it also does from one extreme to the next. You see Downing Street do its best to stomp out the story but that was never gonna work the gas and hype hit stride as everyone was round a TV for this must see grim shocker. There were salutes and hints to shows like Spooks and Dr Who, with a bundle of familiar faces if your TV drama game is up for example the Downton Abby chauffeur Branson. Neil's suspected gay dad from the Inbetweeners popped up in this more serious role. Rory Kinnear did a good job as the PM, wow what a way to have to man up or should I say down total kick in the seed. This line gave me jokes probably did the same for others watching "What now? What's the playbook?" to which his advisor said "This is virgin territory, prime minister. There is no play book." The S&G team have been watching a lot of ESPN and taking play book metaphors so this had me cracking up as reality started to sink in and the out come of the situation became clear in his head. Great twisted tale, look forward to the others.

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