Monday, 17 December 2012

Where You Bin???

A lot of peeps bin asking me why are you ghosting, and to be honest I've just been working super hard trying to get our Saculles and George loose ends tied up. Building a brand takes so much energy and theres been times where i've sat down and tried to post some substance but literally have fallen asleep on the qwerty. So forgive me people its hard work out here and I'm not a super hero i'm human and my weeks have been 90hr+ for months you'd be tired too believe me it catches up at some point weather you want it to or not you can't run from it.

Anyways Christmas is upon us yet again, 12/12/12 was this year special for some not to others. This xmas doesn't feel like Christmas though might have something to do with people really thinking the world is gonna end so WTF is the point, but if it was wouldn't that be even more reason to go out with a BANG!!! I guess not. Something in the air has this "I Can't Be Arsed" kinda attitude this year, and with how money is for the average person these days they simply just don't have the cash to buy ridiculously over priced goods for their spoilt little shites.

For me Christmas is gonna be cool chillin' with family and friends and taking time out to rest ready for the crazy schedule of 2013 a year some are saying will be a complete dud just because the number 13 is usually seen to be unlucky but fuck that it may be unlucky for some but for me its gonna be another dope year.

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